WIthout having done a scientific study, I would bet that many good ideas are formulated when we put down the devices. Why? Because at times our minds need a break from the onslaught of incoming information to get to the big ideas.
“Mindshifting” is purposeful reflection that has a methodology and includes, among others, some common sense steps that most executives, managers and busy professionals in leadership positions likely do not think is value-time. And replicating that reflective time is essential for the first step for the successful mind shift … which is key, Erlich says, for strategy to percolate.
Erlich suggests we must first “[r]emove the obstacles” which will mean different things to different people. In one case, that meant he says creating a strong enough team so that leadership can delegate and free-up time to work on the “big picture.” Another step in this process is to “[q]uiet the noise” and create time to breathe and practice “mindfulness” which is akin to a meditative state in which greater focus is achieved.
Other specific ways to reach a state of mind in which the big ideas and strategy will develop are to: “[p]ercolate” which requires effective reflection using valued networks such as mentors and peers to cross-check what appear to be your good ideas; “[c]larify your message” which should be at the top of leaderships’ list of communications must-do’s; and “[k]eep reflecting and adjusting” which is similar to a rebalancing system in your investment portfolio, to ensure the strategy you have set for your business is working and when it isn’t, be strong enough and honest enough to alter your course.
WIthout leadership at the top of any organization that is clearly working through and communicating objectives, it is much more difficult to ensure that strategies will be implemented correctly and will be successful. In my opinion, what Mr. Erlich is advocating for leadership is business-critical and applies to professional services, as well as other organizations. Put the Blackberry down and go to the reflecting pool, you might just come back with your best strategic plan ever.